“Superbly researched, energetically argued, and extremely well written… One ends by admiring the quality and breadth of Pichichero's research, which has triumphantly placed the conduct of war squarely within the domain of the Enlightenment, and indeed turned 'military enlightenment' from an oxymoron into a truism.”
Colin Jones, review in French Studies
THE Military Enlightenment
Finalist for the Oscar Kenshur Book Prize
for best interdisciplinary book in Eighteenth-Century Studies
Now in available in ebook and paperback through Cornell University Press and other booksellers.
Translations forthcoming:
Mandarin: China Renmin University Press
Russian: Academic Studies Press European Studies
Recent publications:
-“Afrofeminist Microhistories and the Making of Modern Black French Identities,” Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, vol. 26 (2022).
-“‘Ma France, c'est Joséphine’: The Crucible of Race in French and Francophone Studies,” with Jennifer Boittin, Journal of the Western Society for French History, Vol. 48, 2022.
-“‘Is God Still French?’: Racecraft, States of Exception, and the Creation of l'Exception Française," PMLA, Vol. 137, No. 1 (2022).
-“Critical Race Theory and the Multicultural French Enlightenment," Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture, Volume 49 (2020).
-Edited volume: Race, Racism, and the Study of France and the Francophone World Today, with Dr. Emily Marker, available on H-France.
Winner, 2022 NAACP Arlington President’s Award for GMU Anti-Racism and Inclusive Excellence Task Force
Winner, 2021 Presidential Medal for Faculty Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion
Dr. Christy Pichichero, “Meghan and Harry experienced discriminatory gaslighting. Here's how you can tell,” NBC News, March 28, 2021.
“Fallout And Lessons Continue From Meghan And Harry’s Interview With Oprah Winfrey,” Forbes, March 13, 2021.
Dr. Christy Pichichero, “Making Vice President Harris a room of her own,” February 24, 2021.
Dr. Christy Pichichero, “Five Steps that Each of Us Can Take to Proactively Help Heal our Country” January 8, 2021.